Download Center
The Download Center is a page where you can get the raw tax data for the counties we host. In order to use the Download Center, you must first contact us for an account. If you already have an account, you can log in and download your data at any time.
Name | Size | Price | Tax Year | Uploaded | County |
jefferson-2023.csv | 2.93 MB | $350.00 | 2023 | 08/26/2024 | Jefferson |
leflore-2024.csv | 15.95 MB | $350.00 | 2024 | 01/22/2025 | LeFlore |
tillman-2023.csv | 3.73 MB | $350.00 | 2023 | 07/29/2024 | Tillman |
About the CSV
Each CSV will include all items from the current tax year as well as all delinquent (unpaid) items from any other tax year. The "Invoice Amount" and "Invoice Due" fields on parent invoices do not account for any child invoices, so you will need to add the "Invoice Due" amounts on all child invoices to the "Invoice Due" on the parent invoice to find the current amount owed.
Column Name | Description |
Invoice Link | County-unique identifier for the item. |
Invoice Parent Link | On child items (such as fees), the "Invoice Link" of the parent item. |
Tax Year | Tax year associated with the item. |
Parcel | Parcel associated with the item. |
Owner | Name of the owner associated with the item. |
Invoice Amount | Original amount owed on the invoice. |
Invoice Due | Current amount owed on the invoice. |
Invoice Type | "R" for "real estate", "F" for "fee", "P" for "penalty" or "personal" (depending on whether the invoice is a child or not). |
Item Number | The tax roll item number assigned to the record. Should be a 1 decimal point float. |
Owner Address 1 | Address of the owner associated with the item. |
Owner Address 2 | Possible second address of the owner associated with the item. |
Owner City | City of the owner associated with the item. |
Owner State | State of the owner associated with the item. |
Owner Postal | Postal code of the owner associated with the item. |
Property Address 1 | Address of the property associated with the item. |
Property Address 2 | Possible second address of the property associated with the item. |
Physical Street Number | Street number of the property associated with the item. |
Physical Street | Street name of the property associated with the item. |
Physical Town | Town name of the property associated with the item. |
Physical Street Direction | Street direction of the property associated with the item. |
Assessed Gross | Gross assessed value of the item. |
Assessed Net | Net assessed value of the item. |
Assessed Exemption | Exemptions for the assessed value. |
Assessed Improvements | Assessed improvements value for the assessed value. |
Assessed Mobile Home | Assessed mobile home value for the assessed value. |
Assessed Property | Assessed property value for the assessed value. |
Assessed Miscellaneous | Assessed miscellaneous value for the assessed value. |
Legal Description | Legal description associated with the item. |
Addition | Addition associated with the legal description of the item. |
Block | Block associated with the legal description of the item. |
Lot | Lot associated with the legal description of the item. |
Acres | Number of acres associated with the item. |
School District | School district associated with the item. |
Millage Rate | Millage rate associated with the item. |